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Regional projects


Year 2021

Regional call for the implementation of sustainable development education projects by entities holding an accredited and/or certified CEAS pursuant to Executive Resolution 1557/12 of 01/26/2017 and Resolution no. 16103/467 of 07.05.2021 (DGR n. 40/11 of 10.14.2021 - Annex A1). Entitled "Siniscula towards goal 15

Year 2021

Regional tender for the financing of projects aimed at improving the communication capacity of the Sardinian CEAS aimed at public bodies holding an accredited or non-accredited CEAS. Entitled "The CEAS online”.


Year 2020-2021

Regional tender for the co-financing of environmental education projects concerning the protection and recovery of common goods, entitled "Mount Idda trail”. With this project, in agreement with the municipal administration, local associations, schools and many citizens, the old Monte Idda path has been restored to Siniscola. It is a place surrounded by nature, where you can walk in peace and tranquility a stone's throw from the town.

Year 2019-2020

Regional tender for the co-financing of environmental education projects, entitled "We change the course of change”. With this project we have dealt with the themes of the seventeen sustainable development goals with a focus on climate change. We have tackled these issues with the different age groups of the population, from nursery schools to citizens, stimulating a change in more sustainable lifestyles with regard to: consumption, use of resources and a better relationship with the natural environment.

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Year 2017-2018

Regional tender for the co-financing of environmental education projects, entitled "Let's save the dunes of Capo Comino”.

Year 2015

Regional announcement "ZOOM. Wetlands: environment, protection, education”. Action financed by the Ministry of the Environment and the protection of the land and sea National strategy for biodiversity: sustainable tourism implementation initiatives. Project entitled "Discovering the pond of Graneri". We involved 50 children in the action with an educational path on wetlands, in particular those of Siniscola and Posada. Classroom meetings were held with the nature photographer Domenico Ruiu, author of numerous books on the island's fauna. An educational visit to the Graneri pond in Siniscola and to the Posada pond followed. The works ended with the final event in Molentargiu Park in Cagliari where we exhibited and presented our activities.

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Year 2014

regional tender for the co-financing of environmental education projects, entitled "The flavors of our land”. Raising awareness of the consumption of local and zero km products. Rediscovery of ancient flavours. Cultivation of a vegetable garden, creation of a synergistic vegetable garden. Workshops with children and adults. Participatory planning process with the other CEAS of the Province of Nuoro.

Year 2013

regional tender for the co-financing of environmental education projects, entitled "The city I want”. The project included a series of actions: from the creation of an active citizenry that designs the common spaces of their city, to educational workshops and seminars with children and adults to explain hydrogeological risk and prevention.


Year 2012

regional tender for the co-financing of environmental education projects, entitled "The paths of the water”.

Year 2012

Project for the renovation of the CEAS Santa Lucia headquarters. The headquarters have been restructured with sustainability criteria in mind.


Year 2011

regional tender for the co-financing of environmental and sustainability education projects entitledMARENOSTRUM – knowing the sea to respect it. Among the activities: environmental education in schools, design and installation of information panels on the main beaches of Siniscola.

Year 2010

Regional tender for the co-financing of environmental and sustainability education projects entitled "To the rediscovery of the territory”. We have carried out environmental education courses in elementary schools involving about 200 pupils. In particular, the knowledge of the underground world has been deepened.


Year 2010

Regional tender for the co-financing of environmental and sustainability education projects entitled "Biodiversity as a sustainable economic opportunity” and which saw the Municipality of Siniscola as the proposing body, co-financing the Province of Nuoro and the Municipality of Posada. Project partners are the other CEAS of the Province of Nuoro, the regional agency LAORE and local schools. The project ranked first in the regional ranking.

Year 2008

Regional tender for the co-financing of tools and pilot projects for environmental sustainability with the Province of Nuoro as the proposing body. The project entitled "TOWARDS AN ECO-EFFICIENT FUTURE” has seen the creation of an educational path within the CEAS with issues concerning energy and water saving. Also within the project, a photovoltaic panel and a phytodepuration plant were installed in the CEAS structure.

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January-June 2008

Creation and planning of the nature trail in the dunes of Capo Comino di Siniscola, within the SCI Berchida Bidderosa. Periodic monitoring of the state of the ecosystem; study of the fauna and flora present; evaluation and constant observation of the effect of trampling. Funded by the Province of Nuoro.

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