Conferences and dissemination
Year 2021
In collaboration with the "Luigi Oggiano" Study Center of Siniscola, organization of the "Brocarios" conference with an exhibition of Siniscola ceramics: Tradition and perspectives.
Year 2021
Participation with an intervention on the biodiversity of the Siniscola area, in the third classes of secondary schools, in the Science Festival organized by the Comprehensive Institute n. 1 of Siniscola.
Year 2019
Participation with a laboratory on the rocks and an intervention on Biospeleology in Sardinia, at the Science Festival organized by the Istituto Comprensivo n. 1 of Siniscola.
Year 2018-2019
At school with the Geologist – The Earth seen by a Professional – Promoted by the National Council of Geologists with the collaboration of the Regional Order of Geologists and with the patronage of the Ministry of the Environment.
Year 2016
Organization of the Conference on water in collaboration with the Third Age University of Siniscola. The conference was also born following a request from the municipal administration which wanted to sensitize the population towards this important issue.
Year 2015
Organization of the mycology course held by the expert Renato Brotzu in our headquarters.
Year 2012
We supported the Sardinian Speleological Federation in the realization of the didactic itinerary in the cave of Gana'e Gortoe. Path that was inaugurated in November 2012.